All this week I've been thinking about Blaze. Don't know why. For those of you who had the pleasure of knowing him, he was, after my parents, on of the most influential and supportive people in my life. Really helped me focus on Illustration as my career. He was that way with everyone who had the fortune of knowing him. Anwyay, I ran across this piece (a large chalk piece about 2.5'x3.5') and thought I'd post it. Been a thousand years since I've considered it. Think I may post some of his poetry in the future.
For those who are keeping up, Joe is out of town in Alfred NY with Jenny Hyde, a fantastic artist (who excels at painting as well as her electronic media art). He's helping her get ready for her Masters show. It's a great opportunity for them to share art and time together. Me...just making Pooh and working on a few things that I'll post on my Art Site . Check it out.