Every fabulous couple deserves a condecending, snarky nickname. BrAngelina, TomKat, HillBillary...or at least that's the perception of those of us whose brains have been pulverized to mush by LA's mindless "newsertainment". (I know more about Celebrity Gossip than the average middle-american teenage girl, and I learned it all on the 10 o'clock news!). I only say this because I want to explain why I have an uncontrollable urge to refer to our friends Anna and Daniel by an adorable nickname like AnnaDanna (or perhaps BananaDana?). So, all tangents aside, guess who's in the states on a whirlwind tour? Yes, our good friends from Scotland, Dan and Anna. You may remember them from such previous posts as :Daniel and Anna's Wedding in New York. If you don't. Scroll down, or back, or whatever and check out the pix. They are adorable. And you'll find the "Joe meets food" pictures" strangely familiar!
OK - on to our tale. Bananadana were supposed to come stay with us last weekend, but due to some scheduling conflicts or outstanding warrents or something, they could only come as far South as San Fransico. So we decided to meet them for a lovely weekend in the city. And lovely it was!

We found a lovely B&B 2 blocks off of Market on Castro (that's the actual Gay center point of the United States) called the "Whelan House" (http://www.homeguest.com/) where Andy took great care of us. But Modernists, beware. This ode to excess is not for the faint of decor-heart. To say his Victorian is chock full of crap is an understatement. But somehow, it all works and makes for a lovely, homey place to stay.

Now, the real reason to stay in The Castro is because only a few stumbling blocks away are the best pancakes ever made...ever. We refer to them as Crack Pancakes. I know, not orignal, but aptly named. Crack Pancakes can be found at CrepeVine, which is just off Market on Church. 216 Church St, San Francisco, CA 94114, (415) 431-4646 ) Offically named the "Swedish Oatmeal Pancake", these little dollops of heaven are crispy on the outside and so moist on the inside that they are almost like pudding! They have to be tasted to be believed. They must use Oatmeal soaked in condensed milk. I have no idea how they do it, but they do and you should. Eat them, I mean. Droooooooool.

Alright, so before we get to Anna and Dan, let me say they are nothing if not generous. They flew all the way from Scotland, drove down from Seattle, and still thought to bring us gifts from the far north, including this unusual tin of canned Haggis! Incredients are as you can see. Mouthwatering!

To make a short story short, for once, it was great to see Anna and Dan, if only for a short time. While in SF we took in some food, a little shopping,

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