Today Blaze would have been 47 years old. I like to think he would have been celebrating his and Shawn's birthdays (who's birthday is Thursday) together, as they did for years. Since it's all wishing anyway, perhaps Joe and I would have met up with them this evening, and joined in celebration with our friends.
Ate at a lovely place here in town the other day called Luna, and it reminded me of the little place we used to go together in Seattle; Cafe Sophie. Dark, quiet with private booths and perfect service. The kind of place that makes you feel comfortable and special. With great drinks! And of course, being with Blaze meant being with celebrity. Every where we would go, someone knew him, someone would dote on us. It was all very fun. A bit of a rush really. I was such a small town kid back then, and he was the city boy with all the contacts and such a strong sense of himself. His living and his passing changed me, for the better I think. I wish I could thank him for giving me so much. Happy Birthday, Blaze.